Fauna Flora Photography

Golden-crowned Kinglet Regulus satrapa

Golden-crowned Kinglet is a small, in our region migratory songbird. It prefers bushes and small trees and eats mostly insects and spiders.



Common Names

EnglishGolden-crowned Kinglet
FrenchRoitelet à couronne dorée
SpanishReyezuelo de moño dorado


SpeciesRegulus satrapa

How to Identify

Although about the same size as its cousin, the Rubin-crowned Kinglet, it isn't difficult to distinguish these two species. The Golden-crowned Kinglet has a black stripe over the eye where the Rubin-crowned Kinglet has a white ring around the eye. Besides this, the Golden-crowned Kinglet is less green more grey around the breast and head and its crown, as the name indicates, is different in color more yellow.

Golden-crowned Kinglet (Regulus satrapa) - Parc Nature Pointe aux Prairies - 2019-04-13

Where and When to Spot

My first and only spotting of this species happened early spring in Park Pointe aux Trembles. Although, the species should be around spring, summer and autumn.

Parc Angrignon x - - -

Where and when a species has been observed, identified, and recorded.

Last updated on 2024-03-14. Written and regularly updated by Karl-Heinz Müller, Dipl. Natw. ETH, Biology. With 10 years of experience in wildlife photography, Karl-Heinz shares first-hand, on-site collected observations, photos and videos from his frequent visits to parks in the Montreal area.