Common Yellowthroat Geothlypis trichas
A common breeder in the Montreal area with preference for marshes and wetlands found within dense vegetation and shrubs. Winters in the South of the USA, Mexico and Caribbean Islands. The bird feeds on insects captured in dense vegetation or sometimes midair.
Length | 13-15cm |
Weight | 12-16g |
Wingspan | 20-25cm |
Common Names
German | Weiden-Gelbkehlchen |
English | Common Yellowthroat |
French | Paruline masquée |
Spanish | Mascarita común |
Order | Passeriformes |
Family | Parulidae |
Species | Geothlypis trichas |
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How to Identify
The yellow throat is a distinctive characteristic for this bird. Males have a black mask.
Where and When to Spot
I observed this species in more rural areas and parks.