Fauna Flora Photography

European Peacock Aglais io

A colorful butterfly with uniquely colored large eyelike circles. This butterfly is of European origin established in the Montreal area recently. It appears early in the spring.



Common Names

EnglishEuropean Peacock
SpanishPavo real


SpeciesAglais io

How to Identify

The size and color of the large circles on the back of the animal, imitating eyes of a larger animal, are unique in shape and color.

European Peacock (Aglais io) - Parc Nature Pointe aux Prairies - 2019-05-06

Where and When to Spot

During spring almost everywhere around Montreal. I saw my first individual in Park Pointe aux Prairies.

Last updated on 2024-03-14. Written and regularly updated by Karl-Heinz Müller, Dipl. Natw. ETH, Biology. With 10 years of experience in wildlife photography, Karl-Heinz shares first-hand, on-site collected observations, photos and videos from his frequent visits to parks in the Montreal area.